Hello there,

this is a fun, little game where I combined the ideas of Jump&Run with resource management.

The player is a can of beer, running around collecting bottles. Each bottle grants 1 point and a bit health. Colliding with traps or enemies will decrease your health.  Shooting enemies costs 1 point.

However, collecting bottles of beer increases the drunkness os the player, which makes the camera move funky.

On level completion, your Score and Health increases and the drunkness is halfed.


W & S  or left Stick to move left & right.

Spacebar, left alt or Joystick button A to jump.

Left mouse button, E or Joystick button X to shoot.

XBox controller is mapped, but will only work under windows.

Thanks to those legendary designers & developers:

Nobiax / Yughues (Textures & Hedges)

ChermandirKun (Town House Pack)

Jacek Jankowski (Simple Modular Street Kit)

Shapes (Nature Starter Kit 2)

Alexandr Voevodov (Medieval Lanterns)

Unity Technologies

Known bugs:

Level 4 doesn't load in the WebGL build. The game just ends and goes to the main menu.

Linux build has issues with controller mapping.

Windows  builds work flawless.

Can't shoot throw anything, even bottles block it, which is inconvenient.

The game might fail to restart after death.

Hope you enjoy,

Take it easy.


Linux Standalone 162 MB
Version 1 Jun 21, 2023
Windows Standalone 161 MB
Version 1 Jun 21, 2023

Install instructions

WebGL plays in the browser automagically.

In Windows, download and open beer.exe. If it failes to start, install common redist.

On Linux, download, mark beery.x86_64 as executeable and open it. You can also run it from the terminal.

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